Friday, December 7, 2007

A San Francisco Treat

Last weekend, Tony and I took a little trip up to San Francisco. We got to have dinner with Veronica and her friend, Annie, at Cafe de la Presse (one of our favorites in San Fran with nice French food). We also enjoyed a fun evening at Gary and Pam Elgaaen's house watching The Big Game. For those of you that don't know - The Big Game is Cal vs. Stanford. Obviously, we were cheering for the Bears, but we didn't get the result we wanted. The final score was Stanford 20, Cal 13. There's always next year.

This will be the first year that Tony's not been able to get the Christmas tree with the girls, which makes him a bit sad. As a result, we decided to go a different route, and we're getting a fake tree. It seems an economically sound thing to do, and fake trees look pretty cool now.

And I have to say that he's THE most romantic husband ever. He sent me beautiful flowers at work this week - red and green and white. Why, you may ask? Just because he's "my biggest fan." It's the most amazing feeling to wake up every day and have somebody like that who loves you. And it's reciprocated, as you might expect. Can I just say right here, right now - my husband is amazing and I love him dearly!

Until next time...

1 comment:

Tom Jordan said...

Wait a tick. . .Tony sent ME flowers a couple of days ago too! What the???

We bought a fake tree two years ago. Love it. No more needles dropping on the floor, dog drinking out of the water dish. The only thing I do miss about a real tree is the smell. Next to a new car, a freshly-cut Douglas-Fir is one of my favorite smells.

Have a terrific Christmas!


P.S. - Thanks for the flowers, Tony.