Friday, July 27, 2007

Tea Time

At work today, the team had a surprise tea for my boss (Gabrielle - sitting beside me) and I to celebrate both our recent promotions. In a sneaky plan, that obviously worked, they convinced me to have everybody wear hats to work. Aren't we just fabulous?!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Saturday...A Total Vacay!

After a grueling morning at the Getty and the Grove, we decided to reward ourselves with an extravagant lunch at Mozza!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Femail Creations

All my bad girls should go to this website called Femail Creations. It has lots of cool items for women (just click on the link).

It's a First

So this is my first try at blogging. Rachel & Veronica are helping me stay current with the online communication. Now you can know what's going on with me and my peeps.