Ironing is a meditation. No, really, it is. I was standing there gently pushing the wrinkles out of the cloth and simultaneously clearing the cobwebs out of my mind. Then I was free to reflect. Tony and I have been clearing out more than the cobwebs in our minds - we've been clearing out everything. We've literally been through every drawer, closet and invididual item in the house and we've purged everything that isn't either necessary, useful, or something we love having around. There is such power and freedom in letting go. And the possibilities that come out of that are endless. The space created feels like a tiny bit of heaven and a deep cleansing breath. When you go through things in your house that have been occupying the dark corners, and the open spaces, you realize how much you collect over time and how unclear you are when you focus on things. I think this was most apparent to me when I pulled from the kitchen cabinet two banana split boats. Who has those? I'm sure we bought them one summer long ago in an attempt to create a new memory for the girls and a nostalgic moment for us. Ultimately, it was about spending time as a family and focusing on the love we share. I don't really remember eating those banana splits, and I'm guessing the girls don't either. I believe that when you clear your banana split boats, you also clear your mind. It's then that creativity comes easier and quicker. And it's the creativity that turns the possibilities into realities. Now I think I'll go have some frozen yogurt.