I spent yesterday afternoon looking through travel photos. It's always exciting to look back at all the places I've been fortunate enough to see and experience. And I realized that the most fun and interesting parts of vacation for me are the times when we're just wandering about, not specifically focused on seeing any one thing. Sure, the well-known sites are a must; however, it's the little things that really stick in your mind when you get back home. This photo is one of those little things. In 2005 we were in Paris with Rachel and Veronica. Tony surprised me with a renewal of our wedding vows - 10 years at the time. We met Brandy in her neighborhood with the rain falling ever so lightly. We walked, slowly, straight uphill to an intimate and perfect spot to renew our vows. As we walked, I was overwhelmed by how blessed I was to have such an amazing husband, wonderful daughters, and fantastic family and friends. And then I passed by this door. For me, it represented all the beauty and wonder that was left to come - all the doors left to open. So, I share with you this photo, and this memory - of a girl wandering about Paris, not specifically focused on seeing any one thing, and filled with hope for an amazing future.